Birthday Frozen Yogurt | Portland Family Photography

All of our birthdays are within a month of each other. Insanity, right? We go from one holiday to another followed by ALL the birthdays. Once the last candle has been snuffed out, I breathe a sigh of relief knowing the rest of the year is just "normal craziness".

My daughter loves frozen yogurt, but I think it's because of the toppings. I mean, that really is the best part, isn't it? I'm not a dairy consumer -except in my coffee, because half and half is good- so I don't partake, unless there is some non-dairy, super yummy alternative. 

Enter Eb and Bean. They literally have something for everyone, be it dairy free, vegan, gluten free, all organic, etc. Naturally, this was my daughter's choice for celebrating her 8th birthday, never mind that it's the dead of winter and cold treats are the furthest from my mind.

Thankfully, they have this super cool wall of amazing artisan chocolate that both my husband and I gleefully chose from. As you can see, my son was drawn in as well (who wouldn't be?).

Making a bee line for the toppings case, Liv points at the multitude of sweets she wants. Three, child. You get 3 and that's it, and only because it's your birthday!

That smile says everything.

Thank you to my son for getting this last image. I'm so rarely in moments and this one shows just how weird we all are.

I hope these little pieces of celebration long live in our memories, but if they fade, we have these precious images to remind us.

Now head on over to Margaret Albaugh Photography, Spokane Family Photographer  to see more documentary fun with kids!