woman in mustard jacket looking up towards ceiling

hello and welcome, PWS families!

My name is Amy Thelen and I’ll be making photos of your children this week. I wear a few hats at PWS: photographer, substitute teacher, and parent. If we haven’t met yet, come say hi. People say I’m friendly (and I talk a lot).


Wednesday, Sept. 11: Grades 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11

Thursday, Sept. 12: Grades 2, 5, 7, 9, plus EC Individual and Sibling Photos: 3-4pm

Monday, Sept. 16: EC Class Photos (Bluebell and Waterlily), Sunflower Kinder class + individual

Tuesday, Sept. 17: Marigold PK (class photo), Rose Kinder class + individual,

Thursday, Sept. 19: Make ups for all classes 11:15-12:00pm, Grade 12

Ordering Process:

2-3 weeks after your child’s photo day, you will be e-mailed the link to the proofing and ordering gallery. There will be a variety of images of each child in both color and black/white. You will be able to order prints and digital files directly from the password protected viewing gallery. The ordering process is simple and secure. The gallery will remain open for 30 days. Please complete your order in that time frame. Once orders have been placed, your selections will be sent for printing and shipped directly to your residence ($7 fee). If you purchase digital media, please look for an email containing a link for download. I highly recommend downloading to your computer rather than your mobile device as it will come as a .zip file

A La Carte Pricing:

Any questions, please contact me! amy@amythelen.com